Oleh Zadernovskyi: “Media-space is like football: if you stop you lose”

Oleh Zadernovskyi: “Media-space is like football: if you stop you lose”

More and more fans get to know about Dynamo news with a help of modern communicational tools. The head of the White-Blues official site Oleh Zadernovskyi has told how Kyivans manage to keep up with the times and even be ahead of time sometimes.

- First of all I’d like to say that in 2012/13 season our site became the best in Ukraine according to Premier League. In 2013/14 season the winner wasn’t named, so no one took our victory away. We hope that this season UPL will define leaders again and our site will be on the top.

- What helped you reach such recognition?

- Professionalism is above all. Our site is unique in some way. We work 24/7 without vacations and weekends do tell about almost all aspects of Dynamo life. Foreign clubs often post only information about the main squad, but our policy is not so formal. I communicate with our foreign colleagues and I can say that they have what to learn from us. We also follow them, which is natural.

- How do you cover Dynamo matches? How many journalists and other employees take part in this process?

- That’s interesting question. We have our own informational football. We are with the team both when it wins and loses. Each season is difficult for players and coaching stuff and so it is for us. Every day we have about 20 000 users interested in information about Dynamo. They not only read, but also criticize us. We are thankful for that as that helps us make headway. Every player of our “informational team” has some role (10-12 people cover every game).

- Do Dynamo victories and failures and season factor influence the number of club site users? How popular is the site today?

- Of course victories attract more people than failures. Our best results are 50-70 thousand users a day. On average this number is 30-40 thousand.

- Which of three languages of the site is the most popular? Why did you make the home page Ukrainian?

- We planned to make the home page Ukrainian as we tell about Dynamo from Kyiv, but now from Moscow, Tbilisi or Dresden! This change hasn’t reduced the number of users. Besides we present information in English and Russian. Dynamo site is the only one in our country that has Ukrainian home page.

- Recently FC Dynamo Kyiv started broadcasting sparrings the team plays at training camps? How did you do that? Does that kindle the interest of fans?
Today all sparrings of our team one can watch on Dynamo Kyiv YouTube channel. It took some time to make that possible. At first the club hired local company, but broadcasting quality was mediocre. That’s why Dynamo bought special equipment to start the YouTube channel. Our specialist Vitaliy Pekshev coped with all technical issues together with Internet Rights Agency. About 100 000 people watched the first sparring live!

- More and more people access Internet with a help of mobile devices. Is that a problem for Dynamo site?

- We’ve developed really good applications for Android and iOS. Now we must put that into life.

- What are FC Dynamo Kyiv web site future plans?
We try not to lack behind. In 2012 we got informational match-center, in 2013 – database of all Dynamo matches in the UPL, in 2014 we introduced Ukrainian version of the site and in 2015 we started broadcasting sparrings live. Except for mobile applications today our plans are to work actively in social networks, demonstrate more video content about the main squad and broadcast reserve team matches with commentator and captions. Media-space is like football: if you stop you lose!

Dynamo Kyiv magazine (#2 (79)

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