Rules of conduct at the NSC "Olympiyskiy"

RULES OF CONDUCT for fans (visitors) at the NSC “Olimpiyskiy” during football matches and other mass events.

General Provisions.

1.1. The Rules described below (hereinafter – the Rules) lay down a procedure for conducting of fans at the NSC “Olimpiyskiy” (hereinafter – the Stadium) during football matches and other mass events.
1.2. The entry into the Stadium assumes that fans accept and follow the Rules that are applicable during the entire stay at the Stadium.
1.3. The administration bears no responsibility for any things and items lost or left while staying at the Stadium.

Fans have the right to:

2.1. Enter the area of the Stadium upon presentation of one of the following documents:

–    ticket for the match (event);
–    season ticket;
–    invitation;
–    standard accreditation card that grants the right to pass;
–    permission to enter the stadium area by vehicle and its parking, and if necessary, a document, that identifies the person;

2.2. Access of fans into the Stadium is allowed not earlier than 2 (two) hours prior to the beginning of a match (mass event), the start time of which is determined in advance and announced through mass media;
2.3. To occupy seats in the stands of the Stadium in accordance with tickets, season tickets and substituting documents;
2.4. To use the services provided by luggage rooms, restaurants, fast food outlets, wardrobes, first aid posts and toilets located in the Stadium;
2.5. To support their personally chosen football club (team), individual players and coaches by all means and behavior not prohibited by the Law;
2.6. To bring to the stands of the Stadium and use to support the match participants without limitation:

– official club symbolics;
– banners and flags with dimensions of 2 х 1.5 m and less, made of hardly inflammable materials on plastic elastic hollow holders, the dimensions of which do not exceed 1.5 m in length and 5 cm in diameter;

2.7. To get any additional information about the current of events at the Stadium, outside the Stadium and competitions in other cities.

Fans are required to:

3.1. Maintain the public order and commonly accepted standards of conduct;
3.2. Show employees, responsible for the control check posts at the Stadium, the following documents: tickets, season tickets, invitations, standard accreditation cards granting the entrance to the stadium, permissions for entrance of vehicles to the stadium area and its parking, and if necessary, a document which identifies the person;
3.3. Agree and accept the right of the security service of the Stadium for personal inspection, in order to provide safety and security and prevent the smuggling of prohibited items;
3.4. Occupy the seats in the stands of the Stadium according to their tickets, season tickets and substituting documents;
3.5. Show respect to national anthems, flags and symbolics of other countries, FIFA, UEFA, FFU, UPL and clubs;
3.6. Use carefully the property of the Stadium and clubs (teams), participating in the football match;
3.7. Show respect to other fans and participants of the football match, and to personnels who provide safety and servicing of the match;
3.8. Inform representatives of security service of the Stadium, stewards, officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other personells, who are responsible for safety and security, about any violation of these Rules, committed or possible infringements, people whose actions or behavior raise suspicions or intentions to commit infringement, etc;

3.9. Inform immediately personnels, responsible for safety and security about any suspicious objects, smoke or fire;
3.10. Follow the instructions of personnels, responsible for safety and security, to comply with these Rules;
3.11. In case of emergency, act without panic, according to the evacuation plan and in compliance of the instructions of personnels, responsible for safety and security;
3.12. Leave bulky and prohibited objects at the Luggage Room. Any object the dimensions of which exceed 25 х 25 х 25 cm is considered to be bulky. 

Fans are prohibited from:

4.1. Entering the stadium and watching the match (mass event) in the state of alcohol or drug intoxication as well as using drugs or psychotropic substances at the stadium;
4.2. Smoking at the stadium, except for specially designated areas;
4.3. Throwing any items on the football pitch, at players, referees, coaches and individuals responsible for security, or the fans and their vehicles;
4.4. Kindling torches or fire, using pyrotechnics, regardless of their type and purpose, setting on fire any object;
4.5. Using rude, unquotable, abusive expressions, gestures, songs, political slogans, chanting obscene and humiliating slogans and using threats and intimidation to other fans, participants of the match, and those who provide security;
4.6. Discriminating against players, coaches, referees, other officials and supporters based on nationality or skin color, and agitating which incites social, racial, national or religious hatred;
4.7. Coming onto the football pitch, to locations of teams, referees, match delegates, coming into the doping control room, a room for officials and sky boxes or other special rooms of the Stadium;
4.8. Standing, during the football match, at the seats, in aisles and stairwells and interfere with movement of participants of the football match and fans;
4.9. Geting up on seats, climbing on the fence, parapets and supporting structures of the Stadium;
4.10. Arriving to the Stadium with animals and birds, except for guide dogs for physically challenged people;
4.11. Using professional photo and video equipment;
4.12. Damaging the property of the Stadium, clubs (teams), players, officials and fans and their vehicles;
4.13. Drawing symbols and drawings on the structures, buildings, constructions of the Stadium, and placing objects close to them without stadium’s authorization;
4.14. Bringing to the Stadium: 
- Any alcoholic drinks, drugs and toxic substances and other stimulants; 
- Drinks in any package; 
- Weapons and items that can be used as weapons; 
- Piercing and cutting objects; 
- Items that can be used as throwing ones: umbrellas such as "cane", helmets, bottles, cups and glasses, including tins, as well as other items made of polyester, glass and other fragile or too solid material, as well as "Tetrapak" packs; 
- Smoke bombs, fiers and other pyrotechnics; 
- Dyes and paints; 
- Flammable, explosive, poisonous and corrosive and odorous substances; 
- Radioactive materials; 
- Cylinders of nerve and tear action gas; 
- Laser devices; 
- Things which dimebsion exeed 25 x 25 x 25 cm; 
- Drums, pipes, megaphones and same items, professional photo and video equipment, means for broadcasting via Internet.

In case of violation of these Rules by any fan, the management of the Stadium can take the following actions:

5.1. Expulsion from the Stadium without refund of ticket or a season ticket price, or vehicle pass;
5.2. The suspension of following documents (for a certain number of matches) without any refund: 

- Season ticket of the fan who violated the Rules; 
- Vehicle entry passage; 
- Standard invitation or document (accreditation card) that grants the right to pass.

5.3. Complete cancellation of the following documents without any refund: 
- Season ticket of the fan who violated the Rules; 
- Vehicle entry passage; 
- Standard invitation or document (accreditation card) that grants the right to pass.

Responsibility for violation of the Rules:

6.1. People who violate the Rules bear responsibility in accordance with applicable Law of Ukraine; 
6.2. Organizers of the event or authorized personnels of the Stadium and / or hosting football club and representatives of the police have the right to withdraw outside the Stadium any person, who fails to comply the requirements of the Rules, and consider to prevent the person from entering the Stadium in the future; 
6.3. Reselling tickets for football matches is strictly prohibited. 
In case of such violence of the Rules the Stadium management has the right to cancel the season ticket without any refund and prevent the owner of resold tocket from visiting the Stadium forever.

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