Olexandr SHOVKOVSKYI: “We take the field to vindicate honour”

Olexandr SHOVKOVSKYI: “We take the field to vindicate honour”

- Olexandr, can you sum up the expiring year?

- We have one more game to play within the Europa League. After that we’ll sum the year up.

- You missed several games because of injury. When will you be able to step back into the ranks?

- Soon. Maybe even on Thursday.

- NSC Olimpiyskyi celebrates its 90th jubilee. Will Dynamo make the arena a present on December 12?

- Of course, we’ll try to do it.

- Which game that took place at the NSC Olimpiyskyi was the most memorable in your career?

- There were a lot of important games. Still coming matches are more important than those which have already been played. I want all young performers to understand that one must feature with great desire every time, as if it were the most important game of the life. Then they’ll get prizes and awards.

- Do you remember your first game at the NSC Olimpiyskyi?

- It was a game against FC Kremin Kremenchuh in 1994. Unfortunately that match ended in 1:1 draw.

- Has your image of the arena changed since then?

- I witnessed rebuilding of the stadium twice. The first one was made to respond UEFA requirements and second – to prepare for Euro-2012. Of course the arena has changed, but spirit of its history is still here. I hope that new generation of players will win many trophies at the NSC Olimpiyskyi.

- Has pitch of the NSC Olimpiyskyi become of better quality over the years of your career?

- Technologies change permanently. I hope that despite weather conditions the pitch won’t prevent us from demonstrating good play on December 12.

- What are you expectations of the forthcoming match?

- Players have good attitude of mind. We are preparing for the game to achieve good result.

- They say that the match against Rapid will be a game for Oleh Blokhin. Is it really so?

- We take the field to vindicate our honour. I always play with great concentration and motivation. Every performer must satisfy some requirements. Don’t we play for supporters, who believe in us? As for Blokhin…I play because he believes in me and I want to prove that he’s not wrong.

- Speaking about the head coach, should some conclusions be made this winter or maybe he should have a chance to work till the end of the season?

- You speak about resignation too often. We play to win. As for other questions, ask someone else.


* photo by V. Rasner

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