Olexandr KHATSKEVYCH: “It was a tough game, no one wanted to lose”

Olexandr KHATSKEVYCH: “It was a tough game, no one wanted to lose”

- We planned to switch from defense to attack quickly. We started aggressively and created space. Sometimes we lacked the last pass. Basically, we’ve fulfilled the amount of work we wanted.

- Does exercise load influence Dynamo play?

- Today it was obvious we made too many mistakes in simple situations. Of course fatigue plays its role. Still what really matters is that we observed discipline on the field.

- What’s wrong with Khacheridi?

- You should ask doctors. Anyway, it has turned out Mykyta Burda can perform for almost 90 minutes.

- Will players have more game practice in following games?

- It depends upon their fitness. Still I guess next time the team will play quite ordinary game.

- The game was rich on emotions and fouls…

- It was a tough game, no one wanted to lose.

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