Olexandr ISHCHENKO is 60!

Olexandr ISHCHENKO is 60!

FC Dynamo Kyiv would like to congratulate him and to wish good health and success!

- Olexandr Olexiyovych, could you tell about the most exciting moment of your coaching?

- The most exciting was the moment when in the town of Malyn (Zhytomyr region) I took the stop watch and said “Let’s go, guys”.

- What does Dynamo mean to you?

- I always had a dream to work for this club. I think that work with young players is very important. I know about problems of youth football in Ukraine and I try to make some innovations.

- How are you going to celebrate your anniversary?

- In the evening I’ll celebrate it with my family and on Friday – with friends. I’m full of energy to do my favorite job.


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