Andriy YARMOLENKO: “Arsenal players are angry…”

Andriy YARMOLENKO: “Arsenal players are angry…”

- What did Oleh Blokhin tell you after your return to Kyiv?
He congratulated all internationals on the qualification for playoffs. He also told that we mustn’t stop as everyone hopes we’ll go to Brazil.

- There are still some injured players in your team…

- Unfortunately Selin and Harmash are still recovering. We need them.

- Has Olexandr Shovkovskyi’s recovery given your extra confidence?

- Sure. He is a very experienced player who can help us overcome difficulties.

- The next match Dynamo will play against FC Arsenal Kyiv. The Gunners are in bad psychological state. Can this factor influence Kyiv derby?

- Arsenal players are angry right now. I’m sure that they’ll do their best on the pitch.

- What are Arsenal main strengths?

- First of all they have a sole team…

* photo by. A. Lukatskyi

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