Dynamo Austrian training camp. Day 3

Dynamo Austrian training camp. Day 3

+ 30 on thermometer, + 2 on the field

The sky was perfectly clear, but it wasn’t too hot outside. One could feel light breeze on the training pitch surrounded by mountains.

Weather has been #1 topic since the White-Blues arrived in Tyrol. Talking to Rezo Chokhonelidze Christian Machowski said it’s hot all over Europe these days. In his native Manchester the temperature is 30 degrees above zero and in Sevilla it’s over 40 degrees.

Before the morning training session Kyivans had another long theory class. Last night Younes Belhanda joined the team. He worked with enthusiasm doing every exercise very thoroughly.

The training session started with exercises improving speed and the one called “police”.

Its task is as follows: coach has two cones of different colours behind his back. Two players stand in front of him. Suddenly he raises one cone. Its colour tells performers, which of them becomes a “cop” and which – “a criminal”. After that the “cop” must catch the “criminal” on a certain distance.

Domagoj Vida did the warm-up with his teammates, but when game exercises started he worked individually. Croatian defender also had time to try his hand at being camera man.

The major part of training session was dedicated to work on attacking and defensive actions. It should be mentioned that this time defenders coped with their tasks much better.

Test for goalkeepers

Second training session included only game and tactical exercises. That’s why goalkeepers came to the training ground earlier than outfield players to warm up under the charge of Mykhailo Mykhailov.

At first Kyivans worked on attacks finishing. Players had several targets to hit and each combination was supposed to be finished with a shot. It wasn’t easy for goalkeepers as they had to clear a lot of close range shots.

After that Kyivans had exercises improving ball control. That lets the team model different situations that can occur in any game.

Eventually players had to cover 80-meter distance 25 times. Vida, Mbokani and Belhanda did that exercise too.

After two training sessions Serhiy Rebrov offered players going to the mountain river located not far from the pitch.

On June 2 Dynamo will have one training session and in the evening the White-Blues will play the first sparring – against CS Universitatea Craiova.

* photos by A. Lukatskyi

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