Dynamo explore new direction: details of the White-Blues first eSports player presentation

Dynamo explore new direction: details of the White-Blues first eSports player presentation

FC Dynamo Kyiv became the first Ukrainian club to start totally new project aimed to popularize eSports.

The person in charge of this modern direction is Ivan Bulavka, who initiated Dynamo joining the world “eFootball” society and came forward with initiative to offer the best player in this discipline in Ukraine to perform for our club.

By the way, Ukraine is among top 5 leading eSports countries in the world. Still as far as there are few professional clubs in our country, many talented sportsmen have to play for foreign teams.

From now on Dynamo will be officially represented by the best Ukrainian eSportsman in the most popular among football fans video game in the world.

This is FIFA16 champion of Ukraine of the year 2016, winner of 12 out of 15 “live” (LAN) FIFA16 tournaments in 2016, threefold Kyiv Cup winner, 2016 World Cup participant Vitaliy Mukha.

Before the presentation Vitaliy got Dynamo shirt and put it on at once. The news about this event caused quite a stir in media, so a lot of journalists came to the press conference.

The White-Blues vice president Olexiy Semenenko and Fan-club president Serhiy Mykhailenko also answered journalists’ questions.

The long hoped-for event for the White-Blues fans, who like FIFA, is the appearance of our club in the game. That’s what the first question was about.

- FC Dynamo Kyiv are not presented in FIFA17. Are you going to contact developers and change this situation next year?

Olexiy Semenenko: It’s difficult to predict what happens in a year. Working with the team of Ivan Bulavka we’ll confer with people, who are specialists in this area. If it’s beneficial for the club, we’ll move in this direction. Dynamo eFootball team is a trendy project. That’s what we’ve invited the best Ukrainian player for.

- Are you going to play against other clubs?

- Sure, but at first we should start. You’ll see games and tournaments in future.

- Vitaliy, we know what usual day of football player looks like. What about eFootball player?

Vitaliy Mukha: There’s nothing special about it. It used to just a hobby for me, but I’ve already been playing professionally for two years. Everyone has his own training program. As for me, it depends upon my mood: if I’m in fine fettle I can play. I train during live tournaments.

Ivan Bulavka: I can add that one of our tasks is to form Dynamo eSports school and develop it just like football Academy is being developed. We have a plan for the forthcoming year and three-year strategy. We want to arrange big eSports tournaments in Ukraine. It’s a business project, so we don’t want to lay our cards on the table at once.

- Vitaliy, what team do you usually play for in FIFA?

V.M.: Currently it’s quite common to pick four teams and play for them in turns. The most popular teams are Real Madrid, Barcelona and Bayern. Last year Juventus were popular too.

- Representatives of which teams are the best in eFootball?

V. M.: I guess British players are the best. Still the last World Cup was won by Frenchman and the one before it – by Dane.

- They say kids should be taken away from computers, but eSports popularize virtual world. Doesn’t that harm society?

I. B.: We react to modern trends and reality. In such a way we can also make kids interested in real football field. That’s one of our aims.

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