Jeremain LENS: “The fact is we lost”

Jeremain LENS: “The fact is we lost”

- We started OK and went 1-0 up. They equalized with a penalty and after that we weren't so good. It was 2-1, then 3-1, and then it was over. Of course we're confident we'll get the point against Rapid in the last game that we need – if you don't have confidence in yourselves then there's no point playing. We will get points in that game, whether it's one or three, and then we have to go on and win the Europa League.

Maybe things would have been different if Miguel Veloso's shot had gone in rather than hitting the bar at 1-1, but you can always look at moments in matches that could have gone the other way. The fact is we lost and next time we have to win.

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