Heorhiy BUSHCHAN: “After we scored the second goal I wished Oleksandria mascot good luck”

Heorhiy BUSHCHAN: “After we scored the second goal I wished Oleksandria mascot good luck”

- It wasn’t easy to win. I guess we lacked concentration in the second half. Anyway we’ve reached the next stage.

- Your teammates let Oleksandria create chances. Which save was the most difficult one?

- I was just doing what I can. I had chances to approve myself as I don’t play a lot for the first team.

- After Dynamo scored the second goal, you told something Oleksandria mascot…

- Let’s say I wished him good luck just like he was doing to me throughout the game (laughing).

- Today a group of young players performed for Dynamo…

- I congratulate them on victorious debut.

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