Heorhiy BUSHCHAN: “It’s better to endure and rehabilitate properly”

Heorhiy BUSHCHAN: “It’s better to endure and rehabilitate properly”

At the moment his rehabilitation is in progress. Heorhiy has told the White-Blues official website about this difficult period of his career.

- How do you feel and what can you tell about the process of rehabilitation?

- I feel fine. As for rehabilitation, I’m ahead of the schedule a bit.

- What was the turning point of your recovery?

- I think it was the moment when I started exercising in the gym.

- What do you do to stay fit?

- I do push ups and stretch ligaments.

- How do you work on your reflexes?

- There are no special exercises for that.

- Is it difficult to be at the training complex with your teammates without a possibility to work with them?

- It’s very difficult. Still I realize that this is the life of a football player. It’s better to endure and rehabilitate properly.

- Who supports you the most?

- My mother does.

- What did coaching staff tell you?

- The main advice is to pay attention to my nutrition and not to hurry.

- You attend Dynamo matches regularly…

- I love football and Dynamo! A lot of my friends play for reserve team and I enjoy their games. It’s also interesting to watch matches of the main squad. I follow goalkeepers and analyze their mistakes.

- Do you keep in touch with Artur Rudko?

- We have good relations. It is good when there’s competing.

- Is your rehabilitation nearly over?

- I think it will take me a month or a bit more to recover.

- So we should wait for your return by winter?

- I guess so!


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