Ihor SURKIS turns 55!

Ihor SURKIS turns 55!

We would like to congratulate You on Your 55th anniversary and to wish all the best!

Your love to the most popular Game of humanity is known far outside Kyiv and Your parental care of its development is an object of admiring envy and good example for many people. Football society knows You as decent person, man of spirit, who has commitment to principles of honour and justice.

Everyone who works with You can feel Your dedication and perseverance You demonstrate carrying out football mission. We know that constant care of our club wellbeing takes a lot of physical, intellectual and mental effort.

Being a maximalist You always set ambitious goals and never rest on Your laurels.

We are proud to have a possibility to develop Dynamo football alongside You.

This high day we wish You good health, happiness, fireside comfort and success in Your high-minded doings!

Yours respectfully,

FC Dynamo Kyiv

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