Warning! Misinformation

Warning! Misinformation

On June 21 2017 some media published following articles: “NBU recommends Privatbank to settle credit differences with FC Dynamo Kyiv” and “NBU gives Pryvatbank half a year to mend differences with FC Dynamo Kyiv”. In our opinion these materials don’t reflect the reality. That’s why we have to give official comments.

First of all, FC Dynamo Kyiv keep insisting that neither the club not its direction and founders have bonds with PAT PRIVATBANK CB. FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD and PAT PRIVATBANK CB have different shareholding structure, direction, business dimensions and infrastructure.

FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD has always been only PAT PRIVATBANK CB client and couldn’t influence activities of the bank.

According to KyivCounty administrative court decree of 17.05.2017 in case №826/20221/16 FC Dynamo Kyiv President Ihor Surkis is not related to PAT PRIVATBANK CB.

Besides, in several cases the National Bank of Ukraine provided documents aiming to delude court about participation of FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD founders in PAT PRIVATBANK CB shareholding structure. Among other things NBU presented operating agreement with the First bank of privatization “PRYVATBANK” (founded in Kyiv) – facility that has a name that resembles the name of PAT PRIVATBANK CB (founded in Dnipro). Thus the National Bank of Ukraine is trying to manipulate names of two different legal bodies to explain its position concerning bonds of FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD founders with PAT PRIVATBANK CB. That’s inadmissible.

We also inform that NBU ignore court decisions according to which neither Ihor Surkis nor FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD are shareholder that control PAT PRIVATBANK CB. Thus NBU representatives demonstrate that they don’t respect court and spoil reputation of our country.

Secondly, NBU deputy head Rozhkova K.V. has stated that FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD has “outstanding credit” in PAT PRIVATBANK CB. That’s absolutely not true as FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD has never violated terms of contracts signed with PAT PRIVATBANK CB. All credits and commission percentages have always been paid in time.

The only reason for problems between FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD and PAT PRIVATBANK CB are NBU actions in the form of unjustified decision to recognize these two legal bodies as related.

Thirdly, NBU decision to recognize FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD and PAT PRIVATBANK CB as related of 13.12.2016 is unjustified as it’s based on the abuse of article 52 of the Law of Ukraine “On banks and banking activities”. NBU and Deposit Insurance Fund neglected 15-day period during which PAT PRIVATBANK CB had a right to lodge an objection. In 4 days they banned debit transactions to accounts of the football club. Based on these circumstances NBU decision concerning FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD was cancelled by Kyiv County administrative court decree of 20.03.2017 in case №826/20288/16.

Fourthly, NBU deputy head Rozhkova K.V. points up alleged violation of “business-ethics” as the football club kept cooperating with the bank though FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD “file suits against top management”. Such words said by government employee cause alarm. FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD filed a suit including demands to NBU, DIF and PAT PRIVATBANK CB as we have constitutional right to protection of the law. It has nothing to do with obligations under current contracts.

In our opinion it’s discriminative of Rozhkova K.V. to say about her “indignation with communication between the bank and regulator including information with restricted access that has become available for clients of the bank”. We’d like to remind that according to article 56 of the Law of Ukraine “On banks and banking activities” clients have right to access information concerning activities of banks. The article 32 of the Constitution of Ukraine guarantees access to information concerning rights and interests of a person.

Thus FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD addressed to the bank to find out why the club stopped receiving credit tranches. PAT PRIVATBANK CB gave client important information. FC DYNAMO KYIV and PAT PRIVATBANK CB haven’t made information with restricted access public.

So, NBU deputy head Rozhkova K.V. keeps misinforming society deliberately. NBU acts the same way in proceedings against FC DYNAMO KYIV LTD.

FC Dynamo Kyiv Press Service

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