Oleh HUSIEV: “We settled everything with president within a minute”

Oleh HUSIEV: “We settled everything with president within a minute”

- Did you imagine the whole stadium would be chanting your name when you return?

- Frankly speaking, I couldn’t imagine I would take the field at this stadium as Dynamo player again. Of course I’m glad.

- Could you sign a contract with another team? Did you ponder finishing your career?

- I was waiting for transfer offers. I had one, but it didn’t work out. Anyway, Dynamo invited me in summer and I agreed.

- Was this the initiative of Olexandr Khatskevych? Did you talked to him before you signed the contract?

- I was on leave when I found out he was appointed to position of head coach. I called and congratulated him. He said: “We need you, come back if you find common ground with president of the club”.

- What was your conversation with president like?

- We settled everything with president within a minute.

- How long will your new contract be valid?
- It’s one-year contract, but if I feel the team doesn’t need me we’ll make a decision.

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