Olexandr KHATSKEVYCH: “Starting with third sparring we’re going to use first team regulars”

Olexandr KHATSKEVYCH: “Starting with third sparring we’re going to use first team regulars”

- The first half was horrible in terms of attitude and play. Still I’m not talking about everyone. Before the game I told players they must demonstrate discipline, but before the break they didn’t. Second half was better, so we achieved better result.

- Do players already understand and meet your demands?

- In the second half it was quite obvious that players understand our demands. That’s what we have friendlies for. Guys know that starting with third sparring we’re going to use first team regulars.

- What about players’ physical conditions?

- We have enough time to regain conditions. Each game will show who understands our demands.

- The team started the game with 4-4-2 formation. Are you satisfied with the way players use this tactic model?

- The better player is the faster he’ll adapt to new requirements.

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