Olexandr KHATSKEVYCH: “Youngsters really want to work”

Olexandr KHATSKEVYCH: “Youngsters really want to work”

- On Thursday players, including the youth team, gathered at the training complex. On Saturday we’ll play a friendly against the CTO League winners. After internationals rejoin the team we’ll start preparations for the match against Zirka.

- How important is it for youngsters to work with the first team?

- Of course it’s very important. Working alongside Moroziuk, Moraes and others guys experience different speed. They need to realize they must think and act faster on the field.

- Are you satisfied with reservists’ work?

- They really want to work, but I want them to think more when they play.

- Is this break positive for payers considering the tight schedule?

- We’ve been having such schedule for three months. Such break is necessary to regain fitness and get ready for future games.

- Are you going to watch Ukraine U-21 forthcoming game considering that Dynamo players perform for this team?

- We’ll think about with Oleh Luzhnyi. One of us will be at the stadium. I hope our guys will take the field and win.

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