Olexandr KHATSKEVYCH: “About 80 per cent of work will be with the ball”

Olexandr KHATSKEVYCH: “About 80 per cent of work will be with the ball”

- What are your plans for the first two weeks of the training camp?

- We must fulfill certain amount of work. About 80 per cent of it will be with the ball.

- A lot of players have come to the training camp. How much game practice will each of them get?

- We’ll play five friendlies at this training camp. In first games each player will have 45 minutes. At the moment we have 23 outfield performers. Popov can’t play so far. Pantic has got sick. I hope they’ll be fine soon.

- Why did you invite Shabanov, Rotan and Verbic to Dynamo?

- Each of them has his strengths. Shabanov can start an attack pretty well, besides he’s good at head-playing and pretty fast. Rotan is Ukraine national team captain. He’s very experienced. As for Verbic, after Yarmolenko left we needed attacking enforcement and I think he suits us.

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