Oleh BLOKHIN’s pre-match press conference

Oleh BLOKHIN’s pre-match press conference

- Will Yarmolenko and Mbokani enforce Dynamo attack?

- Everyone has a chance to take the field. Still I think they really can enforce our team.

- What did Dynamo do in La Manga for four days?

- First of all we worked on tactics a lot. We analyzed the first game against Valencia and pointed out mistakes. Besides we watched the Bats match against Granada.

- What aim do you want to achieve in away match against Valencia?

- We must play more aggressively than we did in Cyprus as we lost the first leg 0:2. In Nicosia we let Valencia demonstrate the play they’ve got used to.

- Are Selin and Khacheridi ready to play?

- Selin is not. As for Khacheridi – we’ll think about that. Selin works with the rest of the team, but he hasn’t been playing for half a year. In the first leg centre backs performed well, but we let Valencia create chances after set pieces.

- How can you put new heart into the team in this situation?

- Players understand everything. They don’t need extra motivation. Anyway one must realize that it’s necessary to play with dedication to achieve success.

- It’s already known that the start of the second part of 2013/14 UPL has been postponed. Is it good for Dynamo?

- I think it is. Anyway our internationals will join their teams in several days and we’ll gather only on February 6.

- Will you get ready for UPL matches in Kyiv?

- Yes, our players want to spend time with their families. They are a bit nervous. We’ve already had enough flights.

- Dynamo created few scoring chances in the first game against Valencia. What should be changed?

- We really lacked aggression in attacking actions. There were many inaccurate passes.

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* photo by V. Rasner

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