Dynamo records. Individual achievements in euro cups

Dynamo records. Individual achievements in euro cups

We’ll focus on the number of appearances and goals of the White-Blues performers on European arena.

Once again, Olexandr Shovkovskyi is ahead of others in terms of games played. He’s left Oleh Husiev and Oleh Blokhin way behind.

Besides, Shovkovskyi is Dynamo only player, who’s made over 100 appearances in euro cups.

Dynamo top 10 players in terms of euro cups appearances (for our team)

1. Olexandr Shovkovskyi – 144.

2. Oleh Husiev – 98

3. Andriy Yarmolenko – 80

4. Oleh Blokhin – 79

5-7. Serhiy Rebrov – 73

5-7. Valentyn Belkevych – 73

5-7. Maksim Shatskikh – 73

8. Denys Harmash – 68

9. Andriy Husin – 66

10. Andriy Nesmachnyi – 63

Dynamo top 5 current players in terms of euro cups appearances (for our team, including loanees)

1. Denys Harmash – 68

2. Serhiy Sydorchuk – 51

3. Vitaliy Buialskyi – 48

4. Viktor Tsyhankov – 37

5. Tomasz Kedziora – 32


The best euro cups striker of our club is Serhiy Rebrov with 30+ goals to his name

Dynamo top 10 euro cups strikers

1. Serhiy Rebrov – 31

2. Oleh Blokhin – 26

3. Andriy Shevchenko – 25

4. Maksim Shatskikh – 23

5. Oleh Husiev – 22

6. Andriy Yarmolenko – 19

7. Artem Milevskyi – 16

8. Leonid Buriak – 14

9-10. Diogo Rincon – 12

9-10. Volodymyr Onyshchenko – 12

Dynamo current lineup top 5 euro cups strikers (for our team, including loanees)

1. Vitaliy Buialskyi – 10

2-3. Viktor Tsyhankov – 8

2-3. Denys Harmash – 8

4. Benjamin Verbic – 7

Tomasz Kedziora, Vitaliy Mykolenko, Artem Besedin and Serhiy Sydorchuk have 2 goals to their name each.

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