Roman BEZUS: “We are ashamed”

Roman BEZUS: “We are ashamed”

- What was your task on the pitch?

- As usually I had to create goal-scoring opportunities.

- Oleh Blokhin told that players had a talk about latest results. Hasn’t it helped?

- It’s difficult to change everything at once.

- It what mood are players?

- In bad mood. After the game everyone kept silent.

- What do you lack to win?

- It’s difficult to answer this question. We try to score, but we don’t manage to do it.

- What is the atmosphere in the team in general?

- We are ashamed. I hope we’ll cope with our problems.

- Wasn’t this win a kind of surprise for Belgian side?

- You should ask them about it. We tried to do our best on the pitch.

- Spectators hissed the team…

- I think they should support the team, but still I can understand them…


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