Ruslan Neshcheret: “Teammates call me Batman and Spiderman”

Ruslan Neshcheret: “Teammates call me Batman and Spiderman”

FC Dynamo Kyiv goalkeeper Ruslan Neshcheret skipped the second winter training camp due to nose injury, but now he’s back to work with the team.

- How do you feel after the nose injury you suffered in Spain?

- The first day after that was tough. I couldn’t breathe in a normal way, my nose hurt. Then I had surgery in Kyiv and started the recovery process.

- You’ve already got a nickname in the team…

- They call me Batman and Spiderman (smiling).

- You skipped the second winter training camp. How do you feel?

- Frankly speaking, I thought it would be really tough, but actually I feel fine.

- It really looks like you could easily have one more training session right away…

- When I was at home, it was difficult for me just to follow the team. They were training and playing while I was doing nothing. I wasn’t even allowed to do jogging.

- Aren’t you anxious of shots on goal after the injury?

- So far I don’t participate in exercises on very limited space as the ball can hit my face. But when they shoot from distance, one can cover the face. There’s some anxiety so far, but I’ll be fine.

- Fans were supporting you a lot. What would you like to tell them?

- I’m very thankful for all the kind words. It was nice to feel such support. It made me feel less upset.

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