Serhiy SYDORCHUK: “Daughter recognizes me on TV!”

Serhiy SYDORCHUK: “Daughter recognizes me on TV!”

- Have you already left the last season behind?

- We shouldn’t just leave it behind. We must analyze everything and make proper conclusions. Anyway, new season means new expectations and challenges. I hope it will be better than the last one.

- Were FC Shakhtar Donetsk much better than you last season?

- Actually we lost the league after the first part of the season. In spring we did better.

- Last season was the first one when the UPL had new format. Is it okay, in your opinion?

- It wasn’t our choice. There are people, who don’t think we have enough good teams in Ukraine, so there must be 12 clubs in the UPL. I’m not a specialist, but I think we need a normal league with at least sixteen teams.

- How does the approach of Olexandr Khatskevych differ from the one Serhiy Rebrov had?

- As for game aspects, now we do less preliminary passes. Formation has also changed. The first thing new coach told us was: “Discipline is above all”. First of all we’re focused on defense. Olexandr Khatskevych is a demanding coach while his assistant Oleh Luzhnyi is emotional (smiling).

- In the second part of last season Dynamo used formation with three centre backs. Now you’ve got back to formation with four defenders. Is it difficult for you?

- As for the role of supporting midfielder, which is mine, it’s almost the same, no matter which formation we use: 3-4-3 or 4-4-2. First of all laterals must be very attentive.

- Was it beneficial for you to face Shakhtar twice early in the season?

- We’ll see. It’s always better to oppose good teams.

- Ukraine national team will play decisive fixtures quite soon. Is it good that Croatia lost in Iceland?
- The situation is quite difficult in our group. Every game is decisive. As for Ukraine, we must defeat Turkey and Iceland if we want to get out of the group.

- Will the away game against Iceland be the most difficult one?

- We shouldn’t forget about Turkey and Croatia either. As for away games, the match in Iceland will be the most difficult one.

- How do you feel now that you have three kids?
- I like that! I enjoy playing with children and watching them grow up. The older daughter already recognizes me on TV (smiling).

Yuriy Vyshnevskyi

Read this an other materials in FC Dynamo Kyiv magazine (#3, June-July 2017)

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