Dynamo sports profile. Mohammed Kadiri

Dynamo sports profile. Mohammed Kadiri

Coming up next is the White-Blues midfielder Mohammed Kadiri.

1. What kinds of sports do you like (beside football)?

I like ping-pong and volleyball. Besides I’m a big snooker fan.

2. What do you play when there’s a chance?

I enjoy playing snooker and I’m very good at that. Unfortunately I haven’t played with my Dynamo teammates yet, but if there’s a chance I’ll show who’s the expert (smiling).

3. Which sportsmen or teams from other kinds of sports do you like?

In football it’s Lionel Messi. As for other kinds of sports, I don’t have idols.

4. Did you do other kinds of sports when a kid?

I liked to watch snooker and also played myself.

5. Which sports events have impressed you the most?

Football has always been the most impressive thing for me. I even escaped from school and traveled to other regions of the country to watch some matches.

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