Dynamo sports profile. Viktor Tsyhankov

Dynamo sports profile. Viktor Tsyhankov

1. What kinds of sports do you like (beside football)?

I like tennis and basketball. NBA in particular.

2. What do you play when there’s a chance?

I play tennis with teammates and basketball with my friends


3. Which sportsmen or teams from other kinds of sports do you like?

In football my role model is Cristiano Ronaldo. In tennis I like Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer, in basketball – LeBron James, Stephen Curry and Derrick Rose. The latter is my favourite player.

4. Did you do other kinds of sports when a kid?

I did swimming when I was 6-7, but that didn’t last long.

5. Which sports events have impressed you the most?

The first Dynamo match I saw at the stadium was unforgettable. That was the UEFA Cup game against Valencia in Kyiv.

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