Dynamo sports profile. Fran Sol

Dynamo sports profile. Fran Sol

1. What kinds of sports do you like (beside football)?

I like tennis and padel – that’s a special kind of tennis which is very popular in Spain.

2. What do you play when there’s a chance?

Well, I’ve played tennis and padel quite a lot. I guess if it wasn’t for football, I would have started tennis career.

3. Which sportsmen or teams from other kinds of sports do you like?

My idols are Usain Bolt, Rafael Nadal and Michael Phelps.

4. Did you do other kinds of sports when a kid?

Yes, I did martial arts including karate. I almost started doing it professionally, but I had to give it up to focus on football. I was invited to Real Madrid academy.

5. Which sports events have impressed you the most?

As a spectator, I really enjoy watching American football – NFL. Unfortunately I haven’t been to NFL games yet, but I hope I’ll have a chance.

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