Dynamo sports profile. Oleh Husiev

Dynamo sports profile. Oleh Husiev

Coming up next is Dynamo U-21 assistant coach Oleh Husiev.

1. What kinds of sports do you like (beside football)?

I like a lot of kinds of sports. When there’s time I watch basketball, tennis, biathlon, snooker and hockey.

2. What do you play when there’s a chance?

I play tennis when on vacation or on weekends.

3. Which sportsmen or teams from other kinds of sports do you like?

Most of all I like Roger Federer. I try to follow his performances regularly.

4. Did you do other kinds of sports when a kid?

I did. At school I played basketball.

5. Which sports events have impressed you the most?

Those are definitely NBA and NHL games. The atmosphere is incredible there.

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