Taras MYKHALYK: “I’m experiencing new feelings”

Taras MYKHALYK: “I’m experiencing new feelings”

Young father has told about his feelings:

- Valeria feels fine. In a few days after delivery I took her and our baby home. Now I’m getting used to the role of father, - told Taras smiling. I’m experiencing new feelings. I think I haven’t realized that I have become a father to full extent.

- Who does your son look like?

- He looks like me! As for the choice of the name – I chose it together with my wife.

The birth of the child prevented us from going abroad for vacation.

- Bezus and Yarmolenko have also become fathers. Are you going to bring new generation up together?

- Now we have a gang (laughing). Will our son become a professional football player? We’ll see. It will depend upon him. I won’t prevent him from playing football if he has such a desire. Who knows, maybe we three will bring up a new generation of Dynamo players (smiling).

- Have Roman or Andriy already given you some pieces of advice?

- They also have little experience, so we call Bohush and Zozulia sometimes to ask for advice. Their kids are older than our.

- Does anyone help you with the baby?

- My mother-in-law came to help us. I also help Valeria. We stay awake at night together (smiling).


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