Democracies should not withdraw from the historical process of protecting all the values – address by the President of Ukraine 23.02.2024

I wish you health, fellow Ukrainians!

I am now having a working day in Lviv. First, I met with Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen, and then I met with U.S. senators – a delegation led by Chuck Schumer. Good talks and another useful day for Ukraine.

With Mette, we signed a security agreement between Ukraine and Denmark. This is the fourth such agreement. We already have agreements with the UK, Germany, and France. Denmark is the first among countries outside the G7, and the agreement is significant. As has already become a model, we have a clear statement on defense support for this year – one billion eight hundred million euros. The agreement will be in effect for ten years, so each year there will be a corresponding amount of cooperation, including defense cooperation.

Of course, there is also a whole range of necessary political and diplomatic clauses in the agreement that set out our fundamental principles. Increasing pressure on Russia, maximizing cooperation with Denmark, supporting our movement to the European Union and NATO – all the things that strengthen us. Mette, thank you again!

23.02.2024, 22:34
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