Today We Have a Significant Achievement on Our Way to the European Union — the Address by the President 21.06.2024

Dear Ukrainians!

Today – our words of gratitude. In particular, to the entire team of Ukraine that works for the sake of our country and people in the European direction. Today we have a significant achievement on our way to the European Union — the things we had planned for this half of the year are being fully implemented. The European Union has approved a negotiating framework for Ukraine — we fought hard for this at various levels. And it is this framework that determines the format and procedure of accession negotiations with our country. And next week, the negotiations will actually begin. These are indeed historic things. Ukraine is and will always be a part of a united Europe. Today I have approved the composition of the Ukrainian delegation for the start of accession negotiations.

And our gratitude today to the National Team.

Every time the guys push, try, and strive to win, everything works out. I spoke with them today before the match, with Serhiy Rebrov and Andriy Shevchenko, with the guys. I truly hoped for a good result for Ukraine, for our people, so that everyone would feel supported. Every victory is important on the way to our victory. And today we have this result of the National Team!

21.06.2024, 23:27
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