Not enough that Russia is weak, it must be held accountable for everything it has done – address of President of Ukraine 29.04.2023

Dear Ukrainians!

We will do everything possible to make the terrorist state answer as soon as possible for what it has done. Anyone who prepares such missile attacks cannot but know that he will be an accomplice in the murder. Anyone, who guides and launches missiles, who handles planes and ships for terror. Not only those who give orders but all of you, you are all terrorists and murderers and you must all be punished. And definitely – those who committed the primordial crime, from which all others began – the crime of aggression against our people, against our state.

Next week will be quite important from the point of view of our struggle for justice for Ukrainians, that is, for punishment for the terrorist state and all its war criminals. We are preparing several important, potent steps to further consolidate partners and provide more energy to creating a tribunal for the crime of Russian aggression. And to speed up the defeat of the terrorist state.

It is not enough for Ukraine and the world that Russia is weak, as it is already happening. It must fully answer for everything it has done.

We are also preparing new sanctions decisions against individuals and companies involved in the terrorists' defense industry and against foreign entities, which supplies help Russia extend this aggression. Our decisions will be made public soon.

29.04.2023, 22:53
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