Russian aggression will have only one final – the defeat of the terrorist state - address of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi 18.02.2023

Dear Ukrainians, I wish you health!

This day began with preventive power outages in some regions of our state. These outages were required to protect networks and generation facilities from another Russian missile attack.

And we end this Saturday without power outages in almost the entire territory of our state. Apart from Odesa, where the recovery continues after previous attacks and some areas where networks were damaged by wind gusts. Most of the territory of Ukraine has power. Most of our people have electricity.

And it is another confirmation of our resilience, the strength of Ukraine, and the colossal work that was and is being done by many people. By everyone who restores and protects energy. By all who work to strengthen our air defense. By all our partners who help. And, of course, by all our soldiers who defend Ukraine every day, every night as part of the Air Force and all our defense and security forces.

I thank everyone who contributed to the defense of the Ukrainian sky and the state's power system! It is a very important result for Ukraine. The result we achieved together.

18.02.2023, 22:27
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