Russia will become an example of defeat and fair punishment – address of President of Ukraine 11.03.2023

Dear Ukrainians!

Today, I would like to support all those cities and communities of ours facing brutal terrorist attacks by the evil state every day, every night.

Our Kherson region and the city of Kherson, on which the occupier is seeking revenge for its loss. Our Zaporizhzhia. Our cities of Donetsk region and Luhansk region, which Russia wants simply to burn. Our Kharkiv region and the city of Kharkiv. Only since the beginning of this year – in less than two and a half months – over forty enemy missiles have already struck Kharkiv. Nikopol, Marhanets – our Dnipropetrovsk region. Our Sumy region. Our Chernihiv region.

Missiles and artillery, drones and mortars – the evil state uses a variety of weapons. But with one goal. To destroy life and leave nothing human.

Ruins, debris, shell holes in the ground are a self-portrait of Russia, which it paints where normal life reigns without Russia.

Today, Russian shelling took the lives of people in Kherson who simply went to a store to buy groceries. Three Ukrainians died. My condolences to the relatives!

11.03.2023, 21:49
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