The world loves the strong. And it helps the brave - the address of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi 25.02.2023

Dear Ukrainians, I wish you health!

The tenth package of EU sanctions against Russia for starting the war was approved today.

The tenth and obviously not the last package.

Sanctions will continue to be introduced so that nothing remains of the potential of Russian aggression.

Our resolution, adopted at the UN General Assembly, gave a very good diplomatic impetus this week. The resolution on peace for Ukraine, on the territorial integrity of our state, and protection of international law against Russian aggression. In fact, we see that the essence of our Peace Formula is becoming the basis of specific international political and legal decisions, and the world majority supports them.

I thank each of the 141 states that supported our resolution. I thank every leader of the states and every nation who value freedom and international order equally with Ukraine.

Of course, every success of our diplomats, every foreign policy opportunity for our state, and every manifestation of world attention to Ukrainians is based on the resilience of the people of Ukraine, the resilience of our soldiers.

On the fact that Ukraine is strong and constantly getting stronger. The world loves the strong. And helps the brave.

The global center of strength and courage is now right here, in Ukraine, right in our people who defend our state. Who defend our land, our Donetsk region, our Luhansk region, all our lands, where very tough and painful battles continue. I thank each of our soldier, everyone who steadfastly, strongly, and bravely defends our positions in Donbas, destroys the enemy, and I thank you for such a powerful result in the east.

The result in the east, so that, consequently, we have the result in all other directions as well.

26.02.2023, 11:15
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