Political Decisions Must Be Followed by Real Logistics – the Actual Receipt of Weapons by Our Warriors – Address by the President 6.05.2024

I wish you health, fellow Ukrainians!

I've just held a meeting of the Staff. First, the frontline. The report by the Commander-in-Chief – he was on the frontline, directly in the brigades. He reported on the key challenges and needs. We are getting ready. There was also a report on our own production of weapons and manning of our brigades. We are doing our best to provide more weapons for our warriors. We also discussed the supply from our partners – the delivery time and the possibility to speed up the actual receipt of weapons and shells from our partners. In reality. Political decisions must be followed by real logistics – the actual receipt of weapons by our warriors. All those involved must now work 24/7 with partners, including the United States.

In the afternoon, I had several international conversations – we are now working very actively to prepare the inaugural Summit, the Peace Summit in Switzerland. It is important that as many states as possible, as many actors as possible who are interested in the full force of the UN Charter and international law, demonstrate their leadership at the Summit. Today, I've spoken with the Presidents of Lithuania and Poland, Gitanas Nausėda and Andrzej Duda, and the Prime Ministers of Estonia and Canada, Kaja Kallas and Justin Trudeau... I personally invited them to the Summit. I thanked them for supporting our work for a just peace – for supporting the Peace Formula. 

06.05.2024, 22:47
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