Training sessions and International Women's Day!

Training sessions and International Women's Day!

22 players took part in the training session On March 7.

Goalkeepers: Koval, Bushchan, Boiko;

Defenders: Vida, Mykhalyk, Selin, Khacheridi, Liulka, Danilo Silva, Taiwo;

Halfbacks: Harmash, Veloso, Haruna, Yarmolenko, Bezus, Tsurikov, Sydorchuk, Kranjcar, Mehmedi, Husiev;

Strikers: Ruben, Ideye.

Denys Boiko and Taye Taiwo worked individually with fitness coach Vincenzo Pinkolini. Oleh Husiev was just jogging. Olexandr Shovkovskyi didn’t participate at the training session at all.  

Dynamo newcomer Lucas also worked individually.

And of course White and Blues didn’t forget to congratulate all women on the International Women's Day!


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