May 8 – Day of Remembrance and Victory over nazism in the Second World War

May 8 – Day of Remembrance and Victory over nazism in the Second World War

Today Ukraine marks the Day of Remembrance and Victory over nazism. Every year on this day, the entire civilized world remembers the most terrible war in the history of mankind – the Second World War – and honors the feat of the Ukrainian people and their contribution to the victory in the Second World War. This day is also dedicated to the memory of over 80 million people whose lives were cut short at the frontline, in concentration camps and with bombings, all innocent victims of the bloodthirsty ideology of nazism.

We must remember the tragic pages of our history, the suffering that humanity had to go through. We must not forget the heroism of those who defended their homeland with weapons in their hands, saved the world from nazi enslavement at the cost of their own lives, and brought victory and peace to the people.

As in World War II, the fate of freedom is now being decided on the battlefield. Ukraine is fighting the tyranny of the russian aggressor and must overcome it. Even the morning enemy attack once again proved that russia is a manifestation of criminal nazism. With its actions it is trying to destroy everything related to Ukraine.

But despite this, we will definitely win as we protect our native land, we defend our right to freely choose the future. Let the victory over the present evil of russism be the best tribute to the memory of those who fought and defeated nazism.

The words "Never again!", which the whole world remembers on this day, resonate in a special way in Ukraine. Not only we remember, but also protect, not only we value life, but also do everything to make evil lose. We honor and do not forget those who gave their lives for peace and freedom, and we continue to build the history of a united and independent Ukraine.

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