Andriy YARMOLENKO: “Mykhailo Fomenko is rather demanding”

Andriy YARMOLENKO: “Mykhailo Fomenko is rather demanding”

- Andriy, Fomeko is a new manager of our national team. What impression did he make on you?

- Mykhailo Fomenko is rather demanding. But two days is not enough to make some conclusions. I think it takes more time to get acquainted.

- Did you have a private conversation with Fomeko? What was it about?

- We talked about reasons for two last failures in Word Cup qualification. He also asked about work in our clubs. I think it’s good for him to ask players’ opinion.

- How did the call-up to national team influence you?

- I think it had positive effect. It was a pleasure for me to meet old friends. 

- Ukraine scored 2 without reply against Norway but this win wasn’t easy…

- Norwegians aren’t very technically skillful but thy act very selflessly. They have a lot of tall players who try to use free kicks and corners. I think we played pretty well.

- How can you estimate your physical conditions?

- I feel that I’m able to play for 90 minutes.

- Was it good for you to play the friendly in Spain?

- Sure it was as we are to fly too often. It took us only 2 hours to get to Seville by bus.

- What did Fomenko tell you in the dressing room after the final whistle?

- He thanked us for the game. As for the match, we’ll analyze it when we meet next time.

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