Autograph session of Andriy Yarmolenko attended by about thousand fans

Autograph session of Andriy Yarmolenko attended by about thousand fans

On Sunday, August 6, it was quite crowded at the Dynamo Stadium named after Valeriy Lobanovskyi. A long-awaited event for Dynamo fans took place here – autograph session of their idol Andriy Yarmolenko, who recently returned to our club.

Despite the hot weather, about 1000 fans of different ages, genders, professions and activities came to have a chat with the player. The line to the conference hall stretched all the way to the street. Now wonder as due to the COVID pandemic and the war, due to which spectators cannot attend the matches, everyone missed the events with the participation of our players, especially Andriy Yarmolenko, who performed abroad for several years.

But those present were fully rewarded as Andriy paid attention to everyone, had a friendly conversation, gave out autographs and took photos as the meeting with Dynamo fans gave him joy too. Some asked to record a video for the soldiers, who protect our country on the front lines, and the player was happy to do it.

- My friend Viktor sent me a link to the Instagram post about the autograph session of Andriy Yarmolenko and I decided I would definitely be there, – says the fan Anton. – I really like Andriy, he’s a great player. I was very glad when I found out he comes back to Dynamo. I guess the whole Ukraine was.

- Our whole family supports Dynamo, – tells another fan Olexandr Sharvarko. – It’s a great opportunity to meet Andriy Yarmolenko, especially upon his return. The line was pretty long, but it was worth it. For many people it’s a true dream.

The player also shared his impressions of the event.

- Of course I missed Dynamo fans, – said Andriy Yarmolenko to club media. – It was surprising to see probably over a thousand people. It’s really nice that they remember me. I hope they enjoyed this meeting as I did.

Fans didn’t wish anything special, we just had a chat. They asked different questions and I tried to answer all of them. It was all very positive. I signed about a thousand autographs. My hand is fine, but we’ll see how it goes tomorrow (laughing). What matters is that people get some positive emotions in these rough times. If I lifted their spirits, then I accomplished my mission.

People also asked to record videos for our solders and I happily did as they’re our true heroes and every day we must thank them for protecting us and our families.

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