Denys Popov answers fans’ questions: highlights

Denys Popov answers fans’ questions: highlights

Another stream from the White-Blues’ training camp has been broadcasted on ВДИНАМО YouTube channel. This time the guest was Denys Popov. For an hour, he chatted online and answered fans’ questions on non-trivial topics.

You can watch the full stream here while below you will find a text fragment of the conversation with Denys:

- Probably, you will not be surprised to hear that in Ukrainian football you have the reputation of Pepe, a brutal defender, a meeting with whom is not a nice memory for any forward. Do you agree with such a reputation of a fighter on the field?

- The thing is that my task is to defend the goal while forwards aim to score. Sometimes I’m rough, but that’s my job.

- Have you been especially rough against a certain opponent?

- Sometimes emotions flow the wrong way, but I don’t “cut” anyone on purpose as I know what an injury is. Everyone has families and football is what guys do for living. If I play roughly, it’s not on purpose.

- It seemed you were “cutting” Junior Moraes on purpose when he joined your bitter rivals… There were even memes and prints on shirts…

- I didn’t have any conflicts with him. Joining Shakhtar was his personal choice. As for that situation, it was one of my first games for the team and I had to show what I can.

- Do you envy hockey players who are allowed to fight?

- I do. I actually have been thinking of it. But it’s all about emotions. You need to control those.

- Have you ever fought on the field?

- I haven’t. In such a case I would have been suspended, banned etc. All those provocations have one goal – to drive you mad and get you a red card. I’m sure if we met in the street those guys wouldn’t say what they say on the field sometimes.

- On February 17 Usyk was supposed to fight Fury, but the fight was postponed. How did the team react to that?

- You have no idea how much I was looking forward to this fight. It was supposed to take place on my birthday. I desperately wanted Usyk to win on that day. But that’s a traumatic sport, things happen.

- What’s your prediction to this fight?

- I guess it will be a tough one, but I’ll be cheering for Olexandr.

- Do you know him personally?

- We met once. He looked at me as if he had seen me somewhere but couldn’t remember who I am. At least it seemed so. I asked for a photo and he was looking for me like that, so I was feeling awkward.

- Where did that happen?

- Just in the street. I wanted to take a photo with him as he’s our outstanding sportsman.

- It would have been fun to watch your sparring against a boxer…

- If I faced a professional it would have been over in like 30 seconds. Boxers train differently.

- You’re a fan of another sport – billiards…

- That’s right, I am.

- Which player were you looking up to as a kid?

- Sergio Ramos. I liked his play in his prime.

- What about Ukrainian players?

- Yevhen Khacheridi. He was a remarkable player for lots of fans. I also liked Dragovic, Vida – true fighters. Also Rakytskyi. I liked his vision. Today I’d mention Matvienko.

- Which of Dynamo players is ready to perform in the EPL?

- Number one is Shaparenko – very talented player. Then goes Bushchan. Also Vanat, if he gets a bit stronger. EPL is a totally different level. I hope there will be more Ukrainians there, who’ll be glorifying our country in this league.

- How do you react to criticism in social and traditional media?

- I don’t. I don’t even read that. There’re experts who’ve never been in this environment. They’re interested only if someone fails or does really well. That’s a hype. Sometimes they say incredibly ridiculous stuff. But that’s their job.

- What did you want to be when a kid? Only a football player?

- I guess so, although I wasn’t sure I would become a professional and make it to Dynamo. I just dreamed of playing football and didn’t even think of doing that for living.

- What was your plan B?

- There was no plan B. I don’t know how my life could turn otherwise.

- Will Dynamo win the league this season?

- We’ll aim for that and work hard to reach our goal. I believe we can do it, but it’s difficult to make predictions in sports.

Finally, using this opportunity, I would like to thank our warriors, our defenders. I understand it sounds trite, but there’re no words to describe what you do, your heroism and courage. We thank you very much for defending our country.

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