UAE training camp journal. Work in full play

UAE training camp journal. Work in full play

Right after the game against Legia Warsaw the White-Blues had a light session at The Sevens stadium. The aim was to give players enough exercise load as they featured for 45 minutes each. The only exception was Illia Zabarnyi, who played the full match.

The following morning Kyivans worked at Khalid Bin Mohammed Stadium. The pre-session theory analysis was quite long.

After scamper the team did intense warm-up. There was an exercise when one player was supposed to catch another in short distance.

After warm-up Dynamo practiced passing it twos. Mircea Lucescu controlled every move and every pass. He stopped the session frequently to make adjustments.

Then there were game exercises. Players were divided in several groups and did them in turns.

Olexandr Tymchyk and Mykola Shaparenko, who used to be injured, worked with the team throughout the session. Meanwhile Tudor Baluta and Mikkel Duelund worked separately due to health issues.

At noon it was even hot outside, but in the evening the weather will be nice and a bit chilly. The second session of the day will start after theory class.

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