Jeremain Lens – regular Dutch guy with stellar glint in his eyes

Jeremain Lens – regular Dutch guy with stellar glint in his eyes

I got acquainted with him in a way when having little time to post the news about his transfer to Dynamo to the official web site I had got Jeremain mixed up with another player from the Netherlands. Anyway soon it became clear that our club signed athletic, fast and skillful performer. He proved that in every match. When I told him about that mistake he smiled and said that mistakes are natural.

After that we often communicated in different situation and I can say that after meetings with Dutch player, who’s become a friend of mine, I was full of optimism and energy. I remember the episode that happened in January. Our shooting team met Jeremain, his wife and Betao at the airport after winter holidays. After interview Lens and his wife took a bus to Kyiv. He didn’t behave like a superstar…

That’s how Jeremain Lens, regular Dutch guy with stellar glint in his eyes, lives and plays football.

Oleh Zadernovskyi

Copyright © 2015 FC Dynamo Kyiv

* photo by V. Rasner

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