Ihor BELANOV turns 55!

Ihor BELANOV turns 55!

Still 55 is not an age. It’s just two figures every student likes. May your whole live deserve only such mark as 5!

Now let’s recall significant events of Ihor Belanov’s fate.

Genetics kept its end up

- I guess it was in my blood and I got it from my mom and dad. Father was a driver. He died when I was 16. Mother worked at weaving factory. I had no brothers or sisters. When dad passed away things could get worse. There were friends around me, alcohol, drugs… Frankly speaking football saved me.

Lobanovskyi’s lessons

- “Love football in you, but not you in football”. This expression of Lobanovskyi became the law for me. In Dynamo I realized: coach is Personality first of all. That’s what Lobanovskyi was like. He was a good psychologist and knew all players’ strengths and weaknesses. He demanded a lot, but also did a lot for his performers.

The best part

- My best goals? I guess those were two goals against FC Spartak Moscow in 1985 that let FC Dynamo Kyiv win 2:0. It was great to perform for world famous club!

We congratulate Ihor Belanov and wish him true friendship, family wellbeing and happiness! Happy birthday!

FC Dynamo Kyiv

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