Dynamo medical examination: usual manipulations and innovations

Dynamo medical examination: usual manipulations and innovations

International players will be tested after the first training camp.

Serhiy Liulka was the first to come to the clinic.

It has turned out that Heorhiy Bushchan has got sore throat. Artem Kravets had problems with third molar so he visited the dentist.

Every player was examined very thoroughly.

Dynamo doctor Leonid Myronov has told about some innovations.

- We have introduced a new manipulation – densitometry. It helps to define the amount of fat in the body of each player.

Medical examinations has proved that all players are healthy but for Heorhiy Bushchan.

We’ll also analyze Makarenko’s and Bertoglio’s biochemical blood assay very thoroughly. We didn’t follow their health for about a year as they were on loan move.


* photo by A. Lukatskyi

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