Mykola MOROZIUK: “They expected only victories from us…”

Mykola MOROZIUK: “They expected only victories from us…”

- A year without trophies… What went wrong?

- It’s hard to name one particular reason. Before the start of the season and when it was on, new players and youngsters joined the team. People demanded victories in every game. We experienced pressure after every failure. We kept working, but didn’t fulfill everything we wanted to. We lost all major trophies. Still I’m sure we’re on the right track.

- How did Serhiy Rebrov react to defeats? Did training sessions change depending upon results the team demonstrated?

- Of course some changes were introduced after every game, but they were quite individual. No one made us run a lot after defeats. Coach believed in us and encouraged to believe in each other. Serhiy Rebrov worked with great dedication and really cared about his job.

- Dynamo adopted formation with three centre backs which makes laterals work more. Did you cope with the amount of work?

- Frankly speaking I felt tired late in the season. We also experienced mental fatigue as even in winter we realized we wouldn’t reach FC Shakhtar Donetsk in the league table. We focused on the Ukrainian Cup and defeat in the final broke us down in a way.

- You’re Dynamo second best player according to “goal+assist” system (4 goals, 9 assists). That’s quite a good result even for striker…

- Actually this is the best season for me in terms of individual results, but achievements of the team are more important to me. Considering that we’ve finished second I’m not very happy.

- Dynamo U-21 and U-19 win their leagues for the second time in a row…

- I followed these teams, so I know how many promising guys play there. I’m sure our youngsters have great future.

Read full version of this interview in FC Dynamo Kyiv magazine new issue (#2, 2017)

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