Oleh BLOKHIN: “We’ve lost two points while Rapid gained one”

Oleh BLOKHIN: “We’ve lost two points while Rapid gained one”

- We started the game nervously, but then scored twice. During the break I told players that they should play in such manner for 15-20 minutes in the second half. After their first goal Rapid started attacking more actively and eventually we conceded a couple of minutes before the time…

I think we’ve lost two points while Wien side gained one. Still there’s nothing settled in our group yet.

- Did you expect Rapid to come back in the second half?

- First goal was vital for them, it gave Rapid confidence. Still we had no right to concede in a stoppage time.

- Did you substitute Sydorchuk because of the yellow card he got in the first half?

- Yes, because he is a young guy. I have no claims to his play, but some other performers didn’t act to the full extent of their power.

- Do you agree that it was a bad game for some expensive players?

- Yes, I do.

- Don’t you regret letting Tremoulinas play instead of Makarenko?

- I don’t comment upon the play of particular performer.

- Hofmann didn’t take the field. Was it surprising for you?

- We didn’t discuss that before the game.

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* image by V.Rasner


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