Oleh BLOKHIN: “We should ask players whether they understand me”

Oleh BLOKHIN: “We should ask players whether they understand me”

- There’s nothing to blame the team for. Still players feel very nervous. Having so many goal-scoring opportunities we must score…

- You stated that Dynamo lack team-work. What about this match?

- I think we played well. Of course our team-work isn’t perfect, but we had goal-scoring opportunities.

- Maybe Bezus should have been among first eleven?

- I wanted to refresh the team, but sometimes things go wrong.

- What about the choice of striker?

- I don’t blame anyone, but chances must be used.

- Is there at least one player in Dynamo, whose conditions are ideal?

- According to the data which I have almost all players are in ideal physical conditions. Still it’s more important how they knock themselves out on the pitch.

- Why have forwards stopped scoring?

- Slow defenders act quicker than our forwards.

- Maybe psychological state is the main problem?

- We have two strikers - Mbokani and Ideye. I explain them everything, but goal-scoring flair is very important.

- Have they lost it?

- Bad results create pressure. I want to apologize to our fans.

- Dynamo are in troubled waters. What is the way out of this situation?

- I believe that our team will play well.Of course we have difficulties, but I’m Blokhin and Dynamo are my native team. I realize what I’m doing. There’s a great psychological pressure.

- Do you have personal talks with players?

- I do. Ukrainians understand. As for foreigners…I don’t know what interpreters tell them. We should ask players whether they understand me.


* photo by V. Tymchenko

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