Oleh HUSIEV: “We’ll fight despite 0:2 defeat”

Oleh HUSIEV: “We’ll fight despite 0:2 defeat”

- Oleh, you’ve mentioned that you’ll surprise supporters…

- It’s very surprising for me as I didn’t tell that to anyone. Journalist has just fabricated my saying! As for the game, we’ll fight till the end despite 0:2 defeat in the first leg.

- What conclusions did you make after the first match against Valencia? What did you work on after it?

- We focused on goals we conceded and mistakes we made when Valencia took set pieces. We also paid much attention to tactics.

- What is you attitude to the fact that the start of the second part of 2013/14 UPL has been postponed because of the political situation in Ukraine?

- We are here to play football, but not to discuss politics. Anyway we’ll be ready for second part of the season.

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* photo by V. Rasner

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