Oleksandr Shovkovskyi on the team’s official position after morning terrorist attacks in Kyiv

Oleksandr Shovkovskyi on the team’s official position after morning terrorist attacks in Kyiv

FC Dynamo Kyiv head coach Oleksandr Shovkovskyi has commented upon another terrorist attack of russian invaders against Ukraine that happened on July 8:

- First of all, I want to express my words of support to all those who suffered today from the barbaric attack by russia. It is difficult to find the right words to express the horror of what happened.

Today the team came to Austria to get ready for the Champions League qualification. We’ve already had the first training session, but it was with special feelings as all the guys were in their thoughts in Kyiv, together with all the people of Kyiv, Ukrainians. What is happening now – selling of Okhmatdyt, residential areas, houses, hospitals... it is hard to find words to describe the pain caused by such events.

But we all understand that our country, nation has been fighting for independence all its life, for many years it had external enemies, neighbors who didn’t let us to live peacefully and build our state. And now it continues. But we endured then, we will endure now and in the future. We will do everything possible to make our country prosperous, because people who know the value of freedom and indomitability live in it.

I want to once again express words of support from the entire team to the Ukrainians: we are with you, even though we are abroad and preparing for our duties. But we care about our countrymen and all our thoughts are with Ukrainians.

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