Olexandr KHATSKEVYCH: “Order and discipline provide positive results”

Olexandr KHATSKEVYCH: “Order and discipline provide positive results”

Its first part is for your attention.

- When were you offered to take charge of Dynamo?
- On Monday Ihor Surkis called me and invited to come. On Wednesday afternoon he called again and offered to discuss terms of our cooperation the following day. On Friday I signed a contract with Dynamo.

- You used to work with Dynamo youth teams and Belarus national team. What kind of experience can you use as Dynamo head coach?

- Actually I also used to be FC Dinamo Minsk on-the-field coach. I used what I learned from Valeriy Lobanovskyi as I didn’t have much experience. Every team gave me something new and helped to become a coach.

- Is work for a club more interesting than work for national team?

- That’s different. In a national team you choose your path and select players. There’s little time for tactics. Working for a club you have training sessions every day and feel special atmosphere. I like everyday work.

- Do you think friendlies the team plays at training camps should be broadcasted for fans or maybe only coaches need them?

- Coach considers every game. Every friendly is beneficial, especially at training camps.

- Dynamo will play six friendlies at the next training camp. You already know four opponents. Is their level satisfactory for you?

- Two teams will help us get used to game rhythm and then we’ll see how players react to our demands. Further games will be against more serious opponents that have different style. Netherlands, CzechRepublic, Romania…

- What are you going to do to make players be a sole team?

- First of all players must respect each other.

- You used to work with coaches with different approaches – Lobanovskyi, Malafeyev, Markevych… What’s you style?

- Each of these coaches has left a significant trace in my life. Valeriy Lobanovskyi was about discipline and order. Players fought for each other and for the team. Eduard Malafeyev had more opportunistic style. I liked that, but only order and discipline provide positive results. As for Myron Markevych, we worked together only for a year, but that period was really useful for me. I learned to build relationships in the team.

- What can you say about your assistant coaches?

- I believe in them. They all have character and used to perform for Dynamo.

- Maksim Shatskikh knows Dynamo youngsters really well. Will that be helpful?

- Sure. We have really good youngsters. Some compete for starting spot in Ukraine national team and Dynamo. As for Maksim, he’ll be responsible for attack.

- In spring Dynamo used formation with three defenders. Will you change it?

- Formation depends upon what kind of players coach has. If we preserve our lineup we’ll be using this formation although there will be some tactical changes. Still any formation is just a primary scheme. Everything can change on the field.

Read the second part of the conference with Olexandr Khatskevych later

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