Press conference of Olexandr Shovkovskyi after the game against Rukh

Press conference of Olexandr Shovkovskyi after the game against Rukh

FC Dynamo Kyiv caretaker manager answered journalists’ questions after the game against FC Rukh Lviv.

- We faced a number of problems before the game. As you can see, Popov and Voloshyn were outside the squad list. Vanat also had health issues. Fortunately, he was able to take the field today although he’s not in his best shape.

We knew we would face a young ambitious team that lays emphasis on pressing. Although we won the first half 2:0, we weren’t doing our best in certain episodes. But in the second half we were more aggressive and had some scoring chances.

- After Vivcharenko substituted Karavayev, Dubinchak took the position of right winger. What can you say about this experiment?

- We had only two players who can perform as wingers. I made this decision so that we didn’t lost our speed.

- You played a lot of games for Dynamo and Ukraine… When were you more nervous – as a player or as a coach?

- A player is nervous before every game. That’s normal. When they take the field they need to focus on fulfilling coach’s plan. But when you play you aren’t nervous.

Now I feel things differently. I fully understand why coaching is compared to electric chair. But that’s natural. One needs to think of the team and ways to improve players’ performance.

- Benito played as a forward today. What do you think of his performance? Would he have taken the field if Vanat wasn’t injured?

- We have 28-30 players on the team. They practice and play in different positions. We want them to understand what to do in this or that situation.

As of today, Supriaha is recovering from a severe injury, Vanat had health issues too. That’s why Benito played in this position. He’s got qualities for that. We know the potential of each player and try to use it. The team can have different faces, but everyone must understand our strategy and game plan.

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